Chaithanya Kumar A

Hi Everyone. I’m Chaithanya, a Coder and a writer.

Everyday I’m taking small steps towards figuring out How To Do What You Love , Great Work & Hard Work

Most of my productive time is spent learning about the stuff that helps me build AI models to solve real-world use cases & almost all my spare time goes into reading Paul Graham’s Essays, The Feynman Lectures on Physics & Karpathy’s lessons on AI :)

I actively maintain a document Stuff That Helped Me Along The Way & I’m just trying to follow Andrej Karpathy’s wise words “Spend 10,000 hours on deliberate effort and work, form a daily habit, and compare yourself to yourself from a year ago to track progress.”

I’m currently at a fashion tech startup Stylumia, leading the e2e (Product & ML) development of Fashion Trend Recommendation by leveraging LLMs (Multimodal) at scale on millions of fashion Images. Occasionally I also work on problems related to time series forecasting & operations research.

I’m also working as a ML research fellow remotely at MIT focusing on Pre-launch Demand Estimation and Optimal Product Diversity.

I love trekking and mountaineering, traveling, learning about the intricacies of the human brain, running, and taking long, aimless walks in nature.